Privacy and Confidentiality

Statement Regarding Privacy

学院致力于保护所有涉及性侵犯和骚扰报告的个人的隐私. In any report under this policy, 我们将尽一切努力,以符合彻底审查指控的需要的方式,保护所有涉案人员的隐私利益.

双方的隐私将始终受到尊重和保护. 所有参与学院第九条回应的学院员工, including Title IX Hearing Panel members, 接受有关保护私人信息的专门培训和指导. 隐私和保密在本政策下具有不同的含义.


隐私通常意味着与不当行为报告有关的信息只会在有限的个人圈子内共享. 这些信息的使用仅限于那些“需要知道”以协助积极审查的大学员工, investigation, or resolution of the report. While not bound by confidentiality, 这些人会谨慎行事,并尊重所有参与这一过程的个人的隐私.


保密是指未经举报学生的明确许可,学生分享的有关性侵犯或性骚扰的信息不能透露给任何其他个人, 除非该学生或社区中其他人的安全受到直接和严重的关注.


  • 咨询服务和健康中心的工作人员将以完全保密的方式对待您的报告, 除非你或他人的安全受到直接而严重的威胁.
  • 咨询服务和健康中心的工作人员只会向学院报告发生了性行为不端的事件, but without any personally identifying information除非您或他人的安全受到直接和严重的关注.
  • Those considered Responsible Employees 是否需要向第九条协调员报告性侵犯或性骚扰事件.

Legal Issues

You are not required to report a sexual assault. If you do talk to the police and/or Campus Safety, 他们可能会采取措施保护他人免受性侵犯. In addition, 如果你决定起诉,警察可以告知你的法律权利和选择. 学院坚定地致力于为性侵犯的受害者和幸存者提供医疗和情感支持,无论他们是否决定采取法律行动.

布林茅尔学院校园安全可以提供交通到健康和保健中心或布林茅尔医院. 你可能希望通知校园安全,性侵犯已经发生. If you choose to make a report, 然后,你将决定是否需要警察的协助和/或干预,以保护社区其他成员和/或逮捕袭击者. 校园安全部将通知第九条协调员,有人报告了袭击事件. 如果有必要提醒整个社区已经报告了一起袭击事件, the Department of Campus Safety, 第九条协调员和院长办公室将尽一切努力保护您的隐私.

下梅里恩镇警察可以提供交通工具到布林茅尔医院,并在必要时提供紧急医疗服务. If you do decide to report the assault to the police, 如果你在整个过程中需要帮助,学院将提供一名支持人员.

Who Can I Talk to Confidentially?

Students can confidentially 告诉某些大学员工有关不当性行为的事件, 包括第九条性骚扰和其他基于性别的不当行为. These employees include the College Chaplain, 健康中心的医疗服务从业人员, and mental health counseling providers employed by the College. These spiritual, counseling, 医务人员只有在认为存在健康或安全紧急情况时,才会向学院报告发生了不当性行为事件, either for the reporter or a third party.  Because they do not report, except under the above-referenced circumstances, no investigation can take place, 除非记者同意解除保密.

Every other College employee – including non-medical, 健康和保健中心的行政人员-被要求向学院的第九条协调员报告有关不当性行为的信息. If one of these employees learns of or witnesses  misconduct, 他们必须向第九条办公室报告这一事件, including personally identifying information. In this case, privacy 会得到最大程度的尊重,但报告是 not confidential.

Options for Who to Tell and How to Proceed


However, be aware that if you contact the Chaplain, 健康中心的医疗服务从业人员, or mental health counseling providers employed by the College,  你需要明确要求他们代表你向学院的第九条协调员提交一份报告.  All other College employees are required to make such a report, so while it is a good idea to make your wishes clear, you do not have to tell them this.

At any time, you can use the Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form to report misconduct.

Contact the Chaplain, a medical practitioner at the Health and Wellness Center, or a mental-health counseling provider employed by the College. 这些特别的学院员工必须对你的信息保密,除非你允许他们不这样做. You may also file a report anonymously using the online Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form. 匿名报告由学院正式记录,但不能进行全面调查.

You may do this, however, the College may be limited in the scope of the investigation and in the actions it is able to take, 这取决于第九条协调员和调查员可获得的信息。. 等待一份正式的报告和一项调查的完成, 有关涉嫌不当行为的详细信息必须提供给负责开展这项工作的学院员工.

At any time, you can use the Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form to report misconduct.